Introduction About AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating a unpredictable revolution on the all Sectors. Technology, Gaming, Medical Science, Lifestyle, Stock Market, Photography everything is goes depending on the AI. AI is shaping the Future and Completely Changing the way of user Experience. Here is we are going to deep Explanation into the Future of AI.
1. Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
On the first, AI is affecting the working persons. AI is replacing the Human’s and AI does the work of Human. Due to implementation of AI people lose their Jobs. Because every Owner or a Manpower needed industries wants to more Human work and pay less. So many Peoples are choosing AI for reduce the Time and Work. But AI does the Risky Works like Space Traveling, Difficult Surgeries more and more works does easily. It Contains Advantages and Disadvantages also.
2. Artificial Intelligence in Medical Sector
One of the most important areas for AI is Medical Department. AI Powered Tools increasing Drugs Recovery, Disease find out and most powerful tips to care the Patient. Suggestions for Medicines and improved Health care Tips. AI can reducing Human errors like Wrong treatments and Surgeries and wrong suggestion of Tablets and Medicines. And also reducing the Manpower and Time.
3. Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education
Education is undergoing a transformation with a Help of AI. Without Teachers and Education Institutions we can learn from the Artificial Intelligence. Like Mathematics Problems, Literature Subjects, Chemistry Equations, Physics Theories, Zoology Drawings, Botany Explanations every Educational subjects and Needs AI gives you a Clear cut solutions. Considering AI on the Education it can cause to some Health issues. Because AI is running fully on Digital option only by the way you want learn from AI you need to use the Mobile or a Laptop, PC. It cause to You eyes irritation and Head Ache and Increasing your Laziness.
4. Artificial Intelligence on the Stock Market and Finance Sector
AI creating a Big Evolution on the Stock Market and Investment Sector. Already so many peoples are practicing Algorithm Trading. Program your Strategies or your Investment ideas on the AI. Without any reasons and failures or delay AI do it’s work perfectly. And also suggests you to when and which Stocks are growing and Which Stock gives you high profits. But don’t Trust the AI completely it also sometimes makes mistakes rarely. Mutual Funds, SIP, Digital Gold so many segments available on the Stock Market. AI gives you a complete Guidance and Solutions for possible Profit Potential. If you are a Working person or a Business person you have not enough time for Trading during the Market hiking Periods. People like this without any doubts you can start Algorithm Trading with using AI.
Read More: Stock Market Guidance for Beginners
5. Artificial Intelligence Evolution on Gaming
Specifically Gaming Sector, AI can Generate Contents, Dialogues, gaming arts, Well Designed Graphics arts and also reducing Games Development Time and Costs. If you are Game Developer AI can write the Program for your Games and Apps. It reduces your Physical Work and Difficult Actions. Specifically Developers can use the AI to test the Game for bugs and exploits. Speed up the Development Time and Manpower. Personally AI analyze the Players behaviour reducing the difficulty of the Level.
Read More: Start Earnings With Gaming YouTube Channel
6. Artificial Intelligence on the Health Care
Whether we Know it or not, In someway AI is integrated into our Life. In that Sense AI helps to maintain our Lifestyle and Health Care. AI can generate an Diet Table, Excercise workouts, Nutrition Lifestyle Tips and so many Health Care Tips. This apps can gives you workout schedule and Customised Fitness Plans. And the chatbots helps you to relieve from the mental health issues and gives Emotional Support. It gives Tips to Smart Gadgets like Heart Rate, Sleeping Patterns and tracking your Stress Levels.
Advantages of Artificial Intelligence
In any case have an Advantage and Disadvantages from the Source. AI also not the only Exception. It comes with both Benefits and Challenges. AI have more Advantages here are some important advantage facts of AI.
- AI Powered System Speed Up the Accuracy and Time Consuming Tasks. Automation reduces the Human errors increase production in the Industries.
- AI algorithms analyze the situations of the Stock Market and gives you suggestions for Wealthy Stocks analysis. And also Make a Trade for you automatically.
- On the Photography, AI generate the well designed Creative images, and Logo’s for the Websites and Companies. It is used recreate the old Black and White Photos into Colour Photos. And also AI does Editing also without any mistakes provide well editing Photos.
- Al used in Difficulty tasks like Hazardous Environments, Space Missions, Deep sea exploration, Monitoring War Zones AI can complete various types of hard work that are not possible for such humans.
Disadvantages of AI
- Job Displacement and Economic Impact are affecting the working persons heavily. Because AI can do the works automatically, Manpower is not needed it makes humans lose their Jobs.
- AI need an high cost of Investment and Costly Equipments and need An Professional for Maintenance. Small industries and a normal person cannot access the AI due to the extreme Cost.
- If you are Started to Using the AI, you may give your personal details and some important details like Bank account details, Identity number or more like this. AI is stored on it’s functional brain it can misuse your details and photos.
- Considering AI on the Customer Service is slightly makes Customers sometimes irritating. Because AI does the Functioned or Programmed Tasks Only. Sometimes Customers want the alternative choice according to their needs. At that time AI not allowed to choose their choice. It makes customers sometimes Unsatisfied.
Nowadays this World is growing up very fast Consults Technology, Medicines, Lifestyles anything. Humans are Started to Using the Technology from Oldest to the Youngest people. But AI does not give us a hand Everywhere. This whole world is full of people, AI is one of tool, It helps to complete difficult tasks that humans cannot do. So use the Technology of AI with the Knowledge, Without know the full details the AI it is Dangerous to our Humans.