Money Grow Ideas For Beginners


On the first, Everyone goes to work for Money. If you work hard you will Earnings will grow more. But we need to create a second income source for our future. Smart work is better than the Hard Work. Everyone knows what is the Hard Work, But very few people known what is the Smart Work. Hard work is you need to present at the work place and execute your work properly. The Company will pay for your work. But the Smart Work is you need apply your Strategies and wait for the revenue. But you need more patience for your income in this method. Here are we see about two Genuine ways to make money smarter.

Stock Market Money Earning

The most of the people know Stock Market is one of best way to making money smarter. But very few people’s are known the complete statistics and functions about the Stock Market. You need to listen many strategies. Earning money is easy if you know about it completely.

What is Stock Market?

Stock market runs by the three steps. Buy, Hold, Sell following these three steps you can apply your own strategies and ideas. If you are choosing the Stock Market, You need to make some amount of Investment. Then start to buy a good value and futuristic value Stocks. You can Hold this Stocks, And after when the Stock reached your estimated Profit value, you can sell it anytime. So many companies offering IPO’s you can buy these at affordable price.

Read More: Stock Market Guidance for Beginners


One of genuine way Stock Market is best for Earning Money Online. Definitely you need study about the Stock Market Strategies. You can reach the Trading Academy and learn the Basics of the Trading. Listen the experts opinion and Read the books about the Stock Market Trading. So many options available in the Stock Market option, contains Mutual funds, SIP, Fixed Deposit, Digital Gold Options are Good choice for your money growth. Also Hold the Stocks for the long term this method contains high chances to the huge profits.

Pros From Money Earning from the Stock Market

  • High chances to earn money in the short time.
  • All sources are available at Digital option. Online Trading Platform offers anyone to invest in the Stock Market.
  • More Investment and Trading options are available.
  • Stock can be easily buy and sell at the anytime.
  • Many Stocks offers dividends, it makes steady income.

Cons From Money Earning from the Stock Market

  • Stock prices are not at the stability, contains high and low price stability makes short term losses.
  • If you invested in the specific company, may be the company meets the losses your entire investment gone to be loss.
  • Emotional Trading, fear about your investment and trading methods makes yourself weak and facing major losses.
  • Platform fees, So many Brokerage apps are available at the market, Brokerage fees also difference between the Brokerage Platforms, Taxes and Capital gains makes some risk.

Real Estate Money Earning

Real Estate is the one of the another method for make some stable income. Both that methods are contains some advantages and disadvantages, Real Estate also contains high chances to make profit at short term. So many people doing this as a side business. Here we see about the brief explanation about the Real Estate.

What is Real Estate?

There cannot be any people who have not heard this word Real Estate. Mandatory for the Real Estate is need to Invest some amount of money. Firstly places your office at the main part of the city. Market your services and offer some low price for your service. Search and Consult with people who need to sell their assets. Impress your customers with your appearance and speech. Then explain about your offers and taxes, insurance policies, and what is procedure to sell their assets at short time. If your customers are interested to travel with you, then start your work.


Real Estate makes profit by how much effort you put your effort and time. You need to spend much more time on travel. Meet with your buyer and customers. Real Estate gives you profit by short term and long term also it’s depends on your effort. At the beginning hard to get customers and their assets details. After getting the details need to verify about the assets details, specifically assets have any police cases, approval from the government, insurance policies about the assets everything needs to verify from your side. After completing the all verifications market your assets details to the people which way is easy to reach the people easily. Specifically Social Media’s, Television are easy ways to reach out the people instantly.


  • Compared to the Stock Market, Real Estate is more trusted platform for beginners and make some high profit.
  • If you put some hard work for this work you can easily make the profit.
  • Rental properties gives you the stable passive income.
  • Property values and rental charges are increase due to the growth of metro. That makes your income also high.
  • Own price change, compared to the stocks, you can fix your charges and brokerage fees with your own value.


  • Needs high amount initial investment, like renovation payments and charges.
  • Real Estate business take some more time to sell the properties, compared to Stocks and Bonds. Because so many of people are doing Real Estate.
  • May be the properties value goes to low due to economic downturns.
  • Due to late payments, Property damages affect your profit and income flow.
  • Increase of the taxes, and charges for the property renovation cause to change the profit ratio of your investment.


Everyone wants to improve their income and savings. Salary is not enough for your future savings and daily usages. So Make a another way for second income source. The above Two methods are contains both profit and losses and advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the method is depend on your lifestyle and works. Here explained the both methods risks and benefits. Put your effort and hard work every method makes high profits and gains. Think about the which method you go to choose and research about it, travel with experienced persons opinions and read about the all books and choose your way.

Read More: Online Earnings and Passive Income Ideas

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