Online Earnings and Passive Income Ideas


In this new generation people all are known about the basic concepts of online money earning ways. But many people are not completely known about the online money making ideas. Some Scammers are using the people ignorance and the money is taken away from the people. So the people must known about the Online earnings and the scams. So many ideas and ways are available for making money online. In this post we see about some genuine ways of online money making ideas.

1.Digital marketing

Digital marketing is one of the best for online money making. You need only one smartphone for this work. The work is very simple, but the beginning is slightly hard later you will understand the process of the work. Firstly you create a user account from Instagram, Facebook, and much more social media’s. After you approach who need the advertisement and who wants to develop their own business. Then you promote their Business at your social media accounts. Then you can ask some money from this persons.

2.Surveys and Earnings

Surveys is very simple way for making money at online. This way is not need time requirement and computer and anymore. Just you need a smartphone and internet connection. This online job is taking surveys for the common things and your personal opinion about the common things. So many websites and apps are giving this job to many peoples and they are making the passive income. After completing the survey you need to achieve the minimum withdrawal balance. Then you need to add your account details and you can withdraw the money from website.

3.Captcha Entry and Typing Jobs

We all are know what is captcha and typing, we use this method and earn lot of money at our free time. more and trustable websites are providing this type of work. Specifically 2captcha is providing captcha work. just you need to sign up and create you account and start the work. No need to spend specific time for this job when your own time just do the captcha entry. And also the typing jobs are also easy and earn some possible income at when you the day for 2 or 3 hour at once. The book or files are provided by the admin, you should type the digital format of the file and submit to the admin.

4.Online Teaching with Earnings

One of the best online money making work is Online Teaching. Everyone have some specific talent or well professional at their own business or job. Online Teaching is no more you just teach about what you know and your thought about your teaching topic. Specifically Drawing classes, language classes conducting, music classes and what ever you know teach online who need to learn it. At your social media account, post your specific topic to which is teaching to the people at which language you conduct the teaching class. When people see your post they will contact you for the coaching and they pay for your teaching.


The above Online Earning methods are without investing methods. In Trading you need invest some amount for making money. We all are know the basic knowledge about the trading and investments. In other methods of online money making ideas are having no risks and without investment. In this method you must have the depth knowledge about what is Trading? and what is the minimum investment? how to buy the stocks? and sell the stocks at the correct time. Many professionals are conducting free online classes about the stock market. Now a days so many trading academy’s are conducting the Stock Market Classes by the Professionals. In which type of class is best for you think about it and join the class and Learn about the Stock Market Trading Then you make your Online Income.

Read More: Stock Market Guidance for Beginners

6.Vlogging with Earnings

All over the world we all are using the most favourable app YouTube. Entertainment, Education, Doubts, Technology, Reviews and whatever all are explained by the way of vlogging. Use your Gmail account and create a YouTube channel for posting you vlogs and videos. Choose the topic for your vlogs. Specifically Traveling vlogs, Movie Review vlogs, Gadget reviews, and what is your own content create it at video format and edit the video for entertain the subscribers. Use the good quality camera Smartphones or cameras for making videos. At the starting of this method slightly tough and need to put some hard word and smart work for your channel and subscribers. After you complete the YouTube Tasks then your payments are provided by the YouTube.


Blogging is known as the information about the specific topic and own reviews about the products in the way of words. Many Blogging websites available for making blogs. Example BlogSpot, WordPress these are best for blogging. Just you need a smartphone, Specifically Laptops and PC’s are best for blogging. Choose the topic which type of Blogs are you create and post. Choose the Trending topics and create your own content about the topic. In the beginning blogs are not get more reach after your blogs are getting reached you can make your income at online. You can apply for Google AdSense, when you got approval Google will provide Ads for your website, This method also make money at online.


Everyone have a own Smartphone at our hand. We are using the mobiles for maximum entertainment or communicating. But many people not know about How to Make Money Online? In this post we see what are the easy methods are available online for making money without any risks. These methods are common ways for the passive income. If you are planning for any online money making ideas you must need knowledge about the which path you are choosing and how to become it to success way. Specifically Surveys and Captcha Typing Jobs are easy to work without any hard work and low usage of knowledge. And other methods are compared to this slightly have some risks and you need to put some effort and hard work. Choose your own way and make your Online earnings.

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